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Inspired by the mountains, deserts and textures of the earth, La Tierra offers vintage clothing and homegoods for the dreamers and wanderers of the world.

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La Tierra, meaning The Earth.

From the deserts of Morocco to the farmlands in Colombia to the beaches of South Florida, La Tierra is inspired by every corner of the globe.

Growing up in a Spanish speaking household, I was taught the importance of language and how different cultures can impact the way we view our world. My mother, raised in the foothills of Medellín, instilled in me an appreciation of life and “las cosas sencillas” (the simple things.) She was the one who took me to my first vintage store and told me it’s not the amount of something that gives it value but rather the love that goes into it. She allowed me to look at each piece and recognize the beautiful details that made it special.

La Tierra was founded on a deep love for our Earth and is committed to bringing you special heirlooms to enjoy for years to come.

Thank you for choosing to shop small and return a kindness to our planet, which we all share and cherish.

¡Bienvenido! Welcome!

xx Lisa